

Oct 16, 2024

Research on the application of AHP-FAST-FBS in the design of home entrance disinfection devices in the post-pandemic era | Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 20550 (2024) Cite this article

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With the outbreak and continued spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, people's demand for daily disinfection products has increased rapidly, and its innovative design has received widespread attention. In this context, this study aims to propose a design methodology for home entrance disinfection devices based on AHP-FAST-FBS. Firstly, the design requirements of the home entrance disinfection device were collected and analyzed through in-depth interviews and the KJ method, and a hierarchical model of design demand indicators was constructed. Secondly, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed to quantify these design demand indicators, and core design demands for home entrance disinfection devices were identified by weight calculations. On this basis, the Functional Analysis System Technique (FAST) method was combined to rationally transform the design demands into product functional indicators, constructing a functional system model for the home entrance disinfection device through systematic decomposition and categorization. Lastly, based on the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) theoretical model, the mapping of each function of the product to its structure was realized, the product structure modules were determined, and the comprehensive design and output of the innovative design scheme for the home entrance disinfection device were completed. The results of this study indicate that the design methodology combining AHP-FAST-FBS can effectively improve the scientific rigor and effectiveness of the home entrance disinfection device design, thereby generating an ideal product design scheme. This study provides systematic theoretical guidance and practical reference for designers of subsequent related disinfection products and also offers a new path for improving social health and safety.

The post-pandemic era refers to the period after the novel coronavirus pandemic has passed1. However, this does not imply the complete disappearance of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it signifies a time when the pandemic fluctuates, with the potential for sporadic outbreaks and spread, profoundly impacting the production and livelihoods of people worldwide. The global pandemic of the novel coronavirus and its fluctuations affect people's normal lives, prompting a heightened awareness of health among the population, with an increasing emphasis on the health and hygiene of the home environment. The National Health Commission of China has pointed out that contact with virus-contaminated objects may also lead to virus infection. Consequently, there is a higher demand among the public for household disinfection products, with the expectation that innovative disinfection products will create a healthy and safe home environment. The innovative design of daily disinfection products has received widespread attention. In recent years, scholars have explored the innovative design of disinfection products for public places, such as automatic escalator disinfection products2, subway intelligent disinfection robots3, and UVC disinfection robots4. However, there is still a gap in research on home entrance disinfection products tailored to user needs. Additionally, designers lack systematic theoretical guidance when designing disinfection products. Therefore, exploring systematic design methods to enhance the scientific rigor and effectiveness of disinfection product design and to develop home entrance disinfection products that meet user needs is among the urgent issues to be addressed.

Design requirement analysis and decision-making is one of the important contents of product design research, among which the AHP is a common and effective multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method5. The AHP method has the advantages of simplicity, strong operability, practicality, and systematicness6,7. This method can convert qualitative decision factors into quantitative weights through pairwise comparison8, and reduce decision errors by testing the consistency of decision evaluation9, making the decision-making process more precise, scientific, and intuitive, thus easier for non-professionals to understand, grasp, and apply10. Due to the aforementioned advantages, the AHP method has been widely adopted in the evaluation of design indicators and design decision-making. In recent years, scholars have explored the application of AHP in the design of various products, such as the novel reconfigurable wheelchairs11, reusable takeaway containers12, intelligent wearable masks13, railway station information counters14, and breastfeeding chairs for maternity rooms15. These studies have repeatedly validated the applicability and advantages of AHP in the field of product design demand indicator evaluation and decision-making. The purpose of this study is to provide an easy-to-understand design method guide for the designers of subsequent home entrance disinfection products, which can be widely applied. Compared with other decision-making methods such as fuzzy AHP, the calculation process of AHP is more intuitive, concise, and transparent16, which makes it easier for subsequent designers to understand and apply it to quickly obtain effective design decisions. Therefore, the choice of traditional AHP in this study helps to enhance the ease of use, operability, and practicality of the design guidance methodology while ensuring its scientific rigor and effectiveness. After evaluating and prioritizing product design requirements, how to transform design requirements into product functional requirements and realize these functions through appropriate structural design is also crucial in product concept design. In product conceptual design, the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to quantify decision problems can to some extent avoid the subjectivity and arbitrariness of decision results, systematically improving the rationality and reliability of product conceptual design decisions17. AHP can quantify user requirements and clarify the importance ranking of requirements to provide guidance for design objectives, but it cannot specify the specific method for transforming user requirements into product functions. The Function Analysis System Technique (FAST), as a powerful theory for functional innovation design, can provide multi-level and multi-objective analysis methods for complex design processes. It transforms requirements into descriptions of product functions with the aim of meeting user expectations, effectively compensating for the deficiency of AHP in converting user demands into functional indicators18. However, the FAST analysis method cannot analyze and quantify the importance of requirements. On the other hand, AHP can accurately analyze and evaluate user requirements, identify key issues that innovative designs need to address, and thus effectively avoid the interference of the ambiguity and uncertainty of user requirements on product function design19. Although the FAST method can transform user requirements into product functions and conduct systematic functional analysis, it cannot provide further guidance on the design implementation of product functions. The Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) model, through a hierarchical mapping of "function-behavior-structure," can specify the specific methods for realizing product functions, establish a mapping mechanism between product functions and product structure modules, and output product design schemes20. Based on the above, it can be concluded that AHP provides a rational evaluation and prioritization of design requirements. FAST decomposes complex design requirements into specific functional modules, helping to clarify the relationships and hierarchy among various functions and ensuring that each function is effectively considered. Following up with FBS allows these functions to be transformed into behaviors and structures in a rigorous logical order. The entire process, from requirements evaluation to functional analysis and then to structural design, progresses step by step using the AHP-FAST-FBS methodology, ensuring that each stage of the scheme design is based on a clear logical foundation, thereby enhancing the feasibility of the generated design solution. The combined application of AHP, FAST, and FBS can provide concrete and practical design guidance and methodological support for the entire product concept design process, improving the systematicness and scientific rigor of the design process and leading to product innovation design schemes that better meet user needs.

In existing research, scholars have studied the combined or individual application of AHP, FAST, and FBS theoretical methods in the field of product design. For example, Chen et al.21 analyzed the functional indicators of waste treatment machines using the FAST method to form new conceptual design schemes, validating the theoretical applicability of the FAST method in new product development designs. Liu et al.22 utilized the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze and rank the demands of various stages of firefighting tasks and combined it with the FAST method to construct a functional tree for fire trucks, guiding the design of an urban fire truck. Li et al.23 decomposed the user functional demands for glass curtain wall cleaning machines using the FAST method and applied the FBS theory to achieve the mapping from product function to product structure, thereby obtaining an innovative design scheme for glass curtain wall cleaning machines. Zhou et al.24 investigated how to use AHP and FAST methods to assist in the design of bathroom devices for individuals with single-arm disabilities, addressing the complexity of the needs of disabled individuals and the design elements of bathroom products. Li et al.25 studied the design process of children's toys using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the FBS model. Li et al. conducted design practices using multi-sensory educational toys as a case study and measured customer satisfaction to validate the effectiveness of the design process. From the above literature review, it can be concluded that AHP, FAST, and FBS theories have many applications in the field of product design. However, the AHP-FAST-FBS approach has not yet been applied in the design of home entrance disinfection devices.

Therefore, this study aims to investigate how to systematically design home entrance disinfection devices using AHP, FAST, and FBS methodologies in the post-pandemic era. It seeks to assist designers in better understanding and fulfilling the diverse needs of users for home entrance disinfection devices, enhancing the quality and feasibility of design solutions. Additionally, this research provides theoretical and practical references for subsequent designers, thereby advancing the further development of the field of disinfection device design.

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-making method proposed by Professor Saaty from the United States26. AHP can provide a scientific, flexible, and systematic approach to evaluating complex problems through qualitative analysis and quantitative calculations27,28. The core content of AHP is to systematically analyze multi-criteria decision problems, assess and quantify the importance of these criteria, and determine key decision-making indicators through weight calculation and prioritization29,30. Due to its theoretical completeness, rigorous structure, and simplicity in problem-solving, the Analytic Hierarchy Process has been widely applied in various fields31,32.

The Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) is an analytical method used to define and dissect product functional systems by determining logical relationships between functions33,34. FAST follows a top-down systematic analysis sequence, decomposing overall product functional requirements into multiple sub-functions, and then seeking the optimal means to achieve objectives35. In FAST, the critical path of product function analysis is determined by the logical sequence of "how to do it—why," identifying the relationships between various product functions. Applying this method in product design can assist in creating product function tree models, aiding in the identification of unnecessary, redundant, or missing functions36. FAST effectively avoids disorderliness in the conceptual design process by simplifying and decomposing complex problems through logical analysis, clarifying the primary and secondary relationships between functions, and thereby strengthening functional innovation to enhance product value37.

The Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) model is a product innovation design methodology first proposed by Gero in38. The FBS model is a design expression model based on the mapping of function, behavior, and structure, which strengthens the connection between functions, behaviors, and structures39. In the FBS model, function is the fundamental intention of product design, aimed at fulfilling user needs; behavior describes how the artificial artifact's structure achieves its function and the interaction between users and the product; structure serves as the carrier for behavior occurrence, constituting the product and linking various functional modules40,41. Through the mapping process of FBS, the hierarchical expansion of product functions can be achieved, and the behavioral factors for function implementation can be inferred, By utilizing behavioral inference, the conceptual structures of the product can be obtained42,43. The FBS method enables the modular and hierarchical analysis of complex systems, breaking them down into interrelated and functionally independent modules to obtain the desired solution44. The FBS model helps optimize the structural combinations for product function implementation, thereby enhancing the overall performance and utility of the product45.

This study focuses on product design methodologies and does not involve any clinical, animal, human tissue, or biological sample-related experimental research. In this study, human participation was limited to interview surveys, and all participants were voluntary adults. Human participants were recruited for interviews based on the principle of voluntary participation in this study. Prior to the commencement of the study, researchers informed all participants about the purpose of the research, the interview process, the use of interview data, and the rights of participants and obtained their written consent. All participants agreed to participate by signing an informed consent form (as shown in the "Informed Consent Form" in the attached "Other" document). This study does not involve discussions related to racial identities, personal religious beliefs, political views, financial information, sexual orientations, or any other personal privacy topics. All data and information were collected and recorded anonymously, without any actions that would infringe upon the privacy, dignity, health, or human rights of human participants. We confirm that all methods and procedures in this article were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations, which comply with ethical regulatory requirements. Thus, this research has been approved by the Anyang Institute of Technology's (AYIT) ethical review.

The overall process of applying the AHP-FAST-FBS methodology to product concept design can be divided into four main steps, as outlined below:

1. Acquisition and organization of consumer needs.

Consumer requirements for the product are obtained through in-depth interviews. Subsequently, the KJ method is employed to analyze and organize the interview data, categorize design demand indicators, and construct a hierarchical model.

2. Quantification and prioritization of requirement indicators.

Utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), judgment matrices are constructed, and consistency tests are performed. Subsequently, using SPSS for data analysis, the weights of each hierarchical indicator are determined along with their priority ranking.

(1). Judgment matrix construction. Relevant experts were invited to use the "nine-point scale method" to compare and score the indicators in the hierarchical model pairwise, thus constructing judgment matrix A.

In the formula: \(i,j=\text{1,2},3,...,n\); \(n\) represents the order of the matrix; \(a_{ij}\) represents the element of the ith row and jth column of the matrix; \(a_{ij} = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {a_{ji} }}} \right. \kern-0pt} {a_{ji} }}\).

(2). The weights of each element in the judgment matrix are calculated using the column vector average method to compute matrix \({W}_{i}\):

(3). Consistency test.

Calculate the maximum eigenvalue of the judgment matrix.

In the formula, n is the number of orders of the judgment matrix; \({\left(\text{AW}\right)}_{\text{i}}\) represents the i-th element of vector \(\text{AW}\).

Calculate the consistency index:

Calculate the consistency ratio:

In the formula, RI is the random consistency index, and the RI values of different order matrices are shown in Table 1.

When CR < 0.1, the judgment matrix consistency tests pass. Otherwise, the judgment matrices need to be readjusted, and the consistency tests need to be performed again until the test result qualifies46.

(4). Determine the comprehensive weights and priority ranking of the demand indicators. Multiply the weights of the criteria-layer indicators under the overall objective by their corresponding weights of the sub-criteria-layer indicators to calculate the comprehensive weights of each demand indicator. Based on the comprehensive weights of each indicator, prioritize the importance of demand indicators, identifying core and secondary demands to guide subsequent analysis.

3. Product functionality derivation and function model construction.

The core and secondary demands of consumers are respectively imported into the black box model for function derivation, obtaining the primary and secondary functions of the product. Then, all the functions obtained from the black box model are entered into the FAST model for decomposition and classification of functions. The overall functionality of the product is decomposed into multiple levels of sub-functions, and the relationships between various levels of functions are interconnected to obtain a systematic and comprehensive FAST functional system model.

4. Mapping to derive product functional structures.

The functional elements from the FAST functional system model are input into the FBS model to execute the mapping process layer by layer, resulting in the behavioral factors of product function realization and the conceptual structure of the product. Finally, the comprehensive design and output of the innovative solution are completed.

The combined successive application of AHP, FAST, and FBS facilitates a step-by-step progression through the entire process of product conceptual design: from analyzing design demands to decomposing product functions, mapping and transforming them into product structures, and outputting conceptual solutions. This constructs a complete process of product concept design method, as shown in Fig. 1. This process comprehensively considers the connections and collaborations between different stages in the conceptual design process, and it can provide designers with a systematic method for analyzing and solving design problems, enabling them to accurately grasp design goals and design home entrance disinfection device products that better meet consumer demands.

The overall process of the integrated AHP-FAST-FBS innovative design method.

To ensure that the research can collect comprehensive, in-depth, and scientifically valid professional knowledge and viewpoints, this study selected multiple groups related to the design of home entrance disinfection products to conduct in-depth interviews. The participant sample of this study includes 3 designers with over 10 years of product design experience, 2 professors in the field of industrial design, and 5 consumers of disinfection products. Product designers possess professional design knowledge and experience, enabling them to provide professional opinions and suggestions on the technical feasibility, human–machine interaction, and practicality of product design schemes. Additionally, experienced designers have a deep understanding of the industry and unique insights into consumer needs and preferences. They can help the study better understand the requirements of consumers for home entrance disinfection products from a unique professional perspective. Professors have rich teaching and research experience in the field of industrial design, with a deep understanding of innovation and trends in the design industry. They can provide professional insights from the latest trends, innovative design concepts, industrial design theories, and practices, offering comprehensive support and guidance for this study. The selected consumers come from different genders, age groups, and educational backgrounds (composition of consumer participants: different genders: 2 male, 3 female; different age groups: 1 person aged 18–30, 2 persons aged 30–45, 1 person aged 45–60, 1 person aged 60 and above; different education qualifications: 1 person with high school education or below, 2 people with undergraduate degrees, 1 person with a postgraduate degree, 1 person with a doctoral degree). These consumers can provide diverse perspectives on real needs, expectations, and preferences for products. In-depth interviews with the aforementioned professionals can help the study gain multidimensional insights into the design demands of home entrance disinfection products, ensuring the effectiveness of the research results.

Using the pre-prepared interview guidelines (see Tables 2, 3), conduct interviews with the respondents. During the interviews, encourage but do not lead the answers. Each interview lasted approximately 25–30 min per interviewee. With the consent of the respondents, the interviews are recorded. To reduce the influence of personal subjective factors on the research results and ensure the objectivity and reliability of the content analysis and summarization, this study invited three product designers and two professors in the field of industrial design to form an expert group together. The KJ method was used to systematically organize and analyze the interview content. Team members used Nvivo 12 software to code the interview content and recorded the coded content on sticky notes. Then, based on the relevance of each indicator, the content was grouped and classified, similar requirements were deleted or merged, and content with affinity connections was grouped into one group. After multiple rounds of screening, decomposition, and merging, this study ultimately determined the design demand indicators for four criterion layers and fifteen sub-criterion layers of home disinfection products and constructed a hierarchical structure model, as shown in Fig. 2.

The hierarchical model of design demand indicators for home entrance disinfection devices.

To effectively assess the importance and priority of the indicators in the hierarchical model47, five experts were invited to participate in the quantification and scoring of the indicators. The expert group comprised three designers with more than 10 years of product design experience and two professors in the field of industrial design. Using the 1–9 proportional scale method (as shown in Table 4), the expert group conducted pairwise comparisons of the indicators within the same layer and constructed a matrix to assess the relationships of importance among the indicators. Integrate the scoring results of the expert group and calculate the weight values of each indicator using Formula (2)48. The results are shown in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

To validate that there were no logical errors during the construction of the judgment matrices by the expert group involved in the evaluation, consistency checks were conducted after constructing the judgment matrices49. The consistency test results were calculated according to Eqs. (3) to (5), as shown in Table 11. The CR values for each judgment matrix were all less than 0.1, indicating that the consistency tests were passed and the weight calculation results were effective.

Through the analysis and calculation of the various layer design demand indicators of the home entrance disinfection device, the weight values and importance rankings of each indicator were obtained. From the analysis results in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, it can be observed that the evaluation indicators with the highest weight values in the criterion layer are functionality (0.45528), followed by safety (0.28710), human–machine interaction (0.18115), and appearance (0.07647). Regarding the comprehensive weight ranking of the sub-criterion layer indicators, the main demand indicators for the home entrance disinfection device are: Automatically adapt and uniformly spray disinfectant (0.28619) > Contactless operation (0.17804) > Preventing accidental activation for disinfection function (0.10333) > Convenient to operate (0.10265) > Indications in case of malfunction (0.07888). This research result is consistent with the focus of previous studies on disinfection products50,51, and the development of disinfection products should be centered on their functional implementation while ensuring the safety of product use. Thus, when designing home entrance disinfection products, emphasis should be placed on meeting functional demands, while paying particular attention to adaptive uniform spraying, contactless operation, preventing accidental activation for disinfection, and convenient-to-operate demands.

This study sorted all demand indicators through weight calculation and screened out core demands and secondary demands. Then, the core demands are brought into the black box model and transformed into primary functions, and the secondary demands are brought into the black box model and transformed into secondary functions52. The interpretation process for primary functions is shown in Fig. 3. The primary functions derived from the transformation process based on the black box principle include: adaptive humanoid tracking triggers uniform spraying of disinfectant; intelligent sensing operation; preventing accidental triggering of disinfectant spray due to unintentional approach; easy to add disinfectant; fault detection and reminder. These functional requirements should be prioritized in the design process.

Black box model of home entrance disinfection device.

All the functions derived from the black box transformation are brought into the FAST function tree model for decomposition and classification of functions. The relationships between functions at each level are connected to obtain a comprehensive system of functions. The FAST function model of the home entrance disinfection device is illustrated in Fig. 4. The primary functions of the home entrance disinfection device include adaptive humanoid tracking spraying, uniform disinfectant spraying, intelligent sensing operation, and preventing accidental triggering of disinfectant spray due to unintentional approach. Intelligent sensing operation allows users to disinfect without contact, thereby avoiding the cross-contamination of bacteria or viruses among family members. Adaptive humanoid tracking spraying meets the disinfection needs of family members of different heights. Uniform spraying enhances the disinfection effect. Prevention of accidental spraying when approaching can prevent automatic spraying of disinfectant when someone unintentionally approaches the disinfection device. Multiple sub-functions related to safety and comfort are considered as secondary functions. In summary, the design of home entrance disinfection devices should focus on the integration of various functions. The core is to achieve the integration of functions such as intelligent sensing operation, adaptive humanoid tracking spraying, uniform spraying, and prevention of inadvertent spraying when approaching, and then add multiple secondary sub-functions related to safety and comfortability on this basis53.

The FAST function model of the home entrance disinfection device.

The demands related to simple and aesthetically pleasing styling, elegant and clean color matching, materials with comfortable texture, and other aspects belong to the field of exterior design, which do not meet the requirements of participating in the function-behavior-structure mapping54. Therefore, these demand indicators are screened out to guide the subsequent exterior design of the product. The functions of the product are realized through behavior, while the structure is the means to achieve behavior. The product's sub-functions obtained from the FAST model are inputted into the FBS model, and the FBS design model of the home entrance disinfection product is constructed through methods such as function expansion, function decomposition, and function integration, as shown in Fig. 5.

The FBS mapping relationship model of home entrance disinfection device.

1. Function-Behavior Mapping

Adaptive humanoid tracking spraying can be decomposed and mapped into implementing humanoid tracking and adaptively adjusting the spraying angle. Uniform spraying can be achieved by atomizing the disinfectant to achieve uniform distribution. Intelligent sensing operation can be achieved by detecting sensory information and providing feedback based on the detected information. Preventing accidental triggering of disinfectant spray due to unintentional approach can be achieved by adjusting the position of the sensing device. Easy to add disinfectant requires the disinfectant storage area in the product to have an easy-to-open/close lid. Fault detection and fault reminder are respectively mapped to the detection procedure and the fault warning signal. Easy to install and disassemble should make the installation and disassembly process time-saving and labor-saving for users. Disinfectant sprayed out can be adjusted is mapped to spray volume gears for easy adjustment. Synchronously measuring body temperature can be decomposed and mapped into body temperature detection and reminder. Easy to inspect and maintain requires the equipment to be convenient for maintenance and the replaceable fragile parts.

2. Behavior-Structure Mapping

Implementing humanoid tracking can be mapped to a camera, and adaptive adjustment of disinfectant spraying angle can be mapped to a spherical rotatable nozzle structure. Atomizing the disinfectant can be achieved through an atomization device. Detecting sensory information, providing feedback, and adjusting the position of the sensing device can be integrated and mapped into an infrared sensing and conduction device with a reasonable position. The convenient opening and closing of the disinfectant storage area lid can be achieved through an elastic rubber cover structure. Fault detection procedures and fault alerts can be mapped to a fault detection system and a fault signal indicator light. Time-saving and labor-saving installation and disassembly can be mapped to appropriate grooves. Spray volume gears for easy adjustment can be mapped to a knob for easy adjustment. Body temperature detection and body temperature reminder can be respectively mapped to an infrared body temperature detection device and a voice reminder system. Convenient maintenance and replaceable fragile parts can be mapped to the maintenance port and detachable fragile parts.

This study systematically analyzed and identified the key structural modules of the home entrance disinfection device through the integrated AHP-FAST-FBS method. These modules include the infrared sensing and conduction device, spherical rotatable nozzle, camera, disinfectant atomization device, fault detection system, fault signal indicator light, knob for easy adjustment, rubber lid with elasticity, infrared body temperature detection and voice reminder system, and maintenance port. Integrate the above product structural modules and combine them with the appearance design demands obtained from the previous research, such as elegant and clean color matching, simple and aesthetically pleasing styling, and materials with comfortable texture, to output the design scheme. The design scheme of the home entrance disinfection device is shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8.

Design rendering 1 of the home entrance disinfection device.

Design rendering 2 of the home entrance disinfection device.

Usage scenario of home entrance disinfection device.

The overall design features a simple geometric contour with rounded edges and corners to enhance visual affinity and prevent injury to users from accidental collisions55. The product uses a simple and clean white color for a large area and is matched with medical-grade ABS plastic material to enhance the safety and aesthetics of the product. Placing the infrared sensing device at the lower end of the device effectively prevents accidental spraying of disinfectant when someone approaches unintentionally. The spherical rotatable atomizing nozzle is installed on the front of the product. When the user enters the home and needs to be disinfected, he or she reaches under the device and the infrared sensing device senses and provides feedback. The spherical rotatable atomizing nozzle is used to disinfect the user's whole body. The camera is placed on the front of the device. It automatically completes humanoid recognition and tracking through intelligent algorithms, and feeds the information back to the spherical rotatable nozzle before spraying the disinfectant. It adaptively adjusts the angle of disinfectant spraying based on the user's height, ensuring thorough disinfection regardless of varying heights. When the user extends his hand to the infrared sensing area under the device, the infrared body temperature detection will broadcast the user's real-time body temperature through voice. The fault signal indicator light is set above the liquid spray port in front of the equipment for easy observation. It is a green light when the equipment is running normally and a red light warning when there is a fault. The maintenance port is placed on the back of the device. Open the front cover of the device, the lower right part is equipped with a knob that can adjust the volume of a single spray. There is a suitable groove on the back of the product to facilitate stable suspension installation and disassembly. The upper part of the front cover is a transparent space for storing disinfectant. The top of the liquid storage bottle is equipped with an elastic rubber lid, which makes it easy to open and close the cap to add disinfectant. A rectangular hollow is provided in the middle of the front cover of the disinfection device to facilitate observation of the remaining amount of disinfectant during daily use.

In order to verify the feasibility of the design scheme, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method56 was introduced, and an expert group in the requirements acquisition stage was invited as evaluators to evaluate the design scheme. The specific steps are as follows:

Take the criterion layer indicators in the hierarchical model in Fig. 2 as the evaluation factor set V, V = {\({V}_{A},{V}_{B},{V}_{C},{V}_{D}\)};the sub-criteria layer indicators as the second-level factor set \({a}_{i}\)={\({a}_{1},{a}_{2},...,{a}_{n}\)}(i = 1,2,3).

Use the Likert five-point scale as the evaluation grade standard, set the evaluation set \(\text{U}=\{{\text{U}}_{1},{\text{U}}_{2},{\text{U}}_{3},{\text{U}}_{4},{\text{U}}_{5}\}\)= {Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, Very Poor}. Assign different evaluation scores to corresponding evaluation levels, after assigning values, \(\upbeta =\{90, 80, 70, 60, 50\}\)57.

Evaluation personnel were invited to assess the performance of each indicator of the design scheme and obtained the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation matrix R for each indicator of the design scheme:

Using the weighted average fuzzy operator, through the synthesis operation of the index weights in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7 and the corresponding evaluation matrix R, the evaluation weight vector P of the criteria layer index of the design scheme is calculated as follows:

Thus, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation matrix of target layer indicators can be constructed:

Similarly, the comprehensive evaluation vector for the design scheme of this household disinfection device can be calculated:

Finally, the overall evaluation score for the scheme is obtained as N = 83.45.

According to the corresponding relationship between the evaluation levels and evaluation scores, the final score of the design scheme falls between the excellent and good levels, indicating that the design scheme has good feasibility.

Existing research on disinfection products predominantly focuses on the innovative application of modern technologies in public disinfection products, with few studies addressing the design and systematic methodology for home disinfection devices. This study explores the application of AHP, FAST, and FBS methods in the design of home entrance disinfection devices in the post-pandemic era, providing a systematic and scientific path for innovative design of home entrance disinfection devices. Firstly, through in-depth interviews and the application of the KJ method, this study successfully captured the multifaceted consumer needs and established a hierarchical model of design requirement indicators for home entrance disinfection devices across four aspects: functionality, human–machine interaction, appearance, and safety. This provides a valuable reference for the subsequent design and evaluation of home entrance disinfection devices. Secondly, the effective application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) allowed for the precise quantification and prioritization of design requirements for home entrance disinfection devices, ensuring a better grasp of user needs and more accurate product design positioning. The introduction of the FAST function tree model enabled the systematic decomposition and categorization of product functions, allowing for the comprehensive and organized construction of a functional system model for home entrance disinfection devices, providing strong support for the subsequent realization of product functions. Next, the sequential application of the FBS model gradually mapped functional requirements into specific product behavior factors and structural modules, ensuring the functional realization and structural rationality of the design scheme. Finally, the comprehensive evaluation results of the innovative design scheme for the home entrance disinfection device verified the effectiveness of the AHP-FAST-FBS methodology as a guiding framework.

This study successively applies AHP, FAST, and FBS methods to leverage the complementary strengths of these three theoretical approaches, effectively providing clearer and more specific systematic theoretical guidance for the entire conceptual design process of home entrance disinfection devices. This article aids future designers in conducting more scientific and systematic home disinfection device designs, improving the innovation, feasibility, and user satisfaction of design schemes, thereby advancing the field of home entrance disinfection device design and contributing to social health and safety. Moreover, this study not only supplements the theoretical and practical research in the field of home entrance disinfection device design but also offers a reference methodology and approach for the conceptual design of other product types. In summary, this research holds important theoretical and practical application value as well as social significance. However, this study still has certain limitations. First and foremost, the number of expert samples involved in the requirements gathering and evaluation phase was relatively small, and the results obtained may have certain limitations. Future research could further expand the expert sample size to make the results more comprehensive. Secondly, there is a lack of in-depth discussion on the specific technical principles for realizing product functional structures. Thus, future studies could further explore these technical principles in more detail.

All relevant data that supports the findings of this study are available within the manuscript.

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Thanks to all the researchers who provided advice and support during the writing process of this article. We would like to acknowledge the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project for College Students in Henan Province (202411330031); Henan Provincial Education Science Planning Project (2024YB0265); Henan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project (2024BYS00027) for funding this work. We also extend heartfelt thanks to the proof-readers, editors and reviewers who have helped us.

Faculty of Artificial Intelligence, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Yanxiao Zhao, Tao Wang, Basyarah Hamat & Leah Ling Li Pang

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang, 455000, Henan, China

Tao Wang & Chi Zhang

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Conceptualization: Y.Z. and C.Z.; methodology: Y.Z.; software, Y.Z.; validation: Y.Z., T.W., and B.H.; formal analysis: Y.Z.; investigation: Y.Z., and T.W.; resources: Y.Z.; data curation: Y.Z. and C.Z.; Writing—original draft: Y.Z.; Writing—review and editing: Y.Z. and L.L.L.P.; visualization: Y.Z. and C.Z.; supervision: B.H.; project administration: Y.Z. and T.W.; funding acquisition: T.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Correspondence to Yanxiao Zhao or Tao Wang.

The authors declare no competing interests.

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Zhao, Y., Wang, T., Zhang, C. et al. Research on the application of AHP-FAST-FBS in the design of home entrance disinfection devices in the post-pandemic era. Sci Rep 14, 20550 (2024).

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Received: 19 April 2024

Accepted: 29 August 2024

Published: 04 September 2024


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